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Hataraku Maou-sama!! 02

Me: Can I do this?
QC: No.


1080p Torrent

Reminder: Episodes 3 will most likely be stalled 2 weeks, and 4 will definitely be stalled at least 1 week due to my vacaton.

1 comment to Hataraku Maou-sama!! 02

  • Rokudaime

    Lol, I’m a middle school teacher, and my students use the “sus” slang all the time, and they don’t even have English as their first language. ๐Ÿ˜› I hadn’t really come across it much before that (guess I’m older/more out of the loop than I thought…). Now though, I probably wouldn’t approve this one if I was qc either, but on the inside, I would be wishing I could keep it in so badly. ๐Ÿ˜›

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