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Princess Lover Blu-ray Batch

So this is actually our longest stalled project, and one I think everyone forgot about. We released a couple of uncensored DVDs and then nothing more for like… 13.5 years. They later came out with a BD batch (this show aired in HD) so we’ll just do that instead.

I went through and changed the karaoke (it was one of my first ones and sucked), gave it a fresh editing pass, a new encode, redid the typesetting (it was all hardsubbed and lost to the sands of time), and had nvenc QC it for me. 1080p HEVC only.

1080p Torrent

1 comment to Princess Lover Blu-ray Batch

  • d6

    Now this brings us back… DVD was considered the HD at the time and such (:

    Haven’t seen this in BD yet, so we’ll see ๐Ÿ˜‰

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