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4-nin Blu-ray Batch

I was going to make the release post my favorite derpy crab but decided this one represented the series better. (If anyone uploads this to a site requiring screenshots like bakabt or the like, could you please include a picture of derpycrab for me? Episode 5 frame 26889~ Thanks

Now, this series is a […]

4-nin 11

That wraps up this show! Total craziness. Another huge shout out to charon for all his work in the typesetting on this show.

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4-nin 10

^The staff when we all got our Christmas presents.

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4-nin 09

Holiday message from us to you~

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PS – Current plan for next season is Tensei Oujo to Tensai Reijou no Mahou Kakumei.

4-nin 08

mfw… I dunno. I just liked the pic. XD

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4-nin 07

There are a number of hilarious shots from this episode but… I like pretty. :3

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4-nin 06

If you know, you know.

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4-nin 05

Some weeks blog pics are hard to find. Some weeks you have a derpy crab randomly appear. This is one of the latter weeks.

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