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Grisaia Phantom Trigger 05

I am… the bone of my sword.

1080p Torrent

Grisaia Phantom Trigger 04

A bath scene where they both don’t show nipples but also don’t censor below the surface of the water? How unique!

1080p Torrent

Grisaia Phantom Trigger 03

Anime girls have invisible goggles which allow them to keep their eyes open in the water without effort or pain.

1080p Torrent

Grisaia Phantom Trigger 02

Chris goes pew pew!

1080p Torrent

Grisaia Phantom Trigger 01

Watch out! The loli has a gun!

These should be coming out fairly quickly now.

1080p Torrent

Of note – CR (and only CR, I couldn’t find it on TV streams) had some previews at the end of the episode that we decided to cut. They had a logo splash that went into the […]

Grisaia Phantom Trigger Movie 3

Ramen can make you so happy that you’ll turn into a chibi!

1080p Torrent

Onto the series proper!

Grisaia Phantom Trigger Movie 2

Zdravstvuite, bitches!

1080p Torrent

Note: This movie is properly encoded to 10-bit. 01 will be v2’d before 03’s release.

Grisaia Phantom Trigger Movie 1


Start of our first seasonal for the Winter! There are 3 movies which released a few years ago and are required for understanding of the series, so these will be done first. We will obviously fall a bit behind on episodes at the start as we do these movies, and then catch up.
