The long awaited batch. Guess begna112 wasn’t joking by announcing one BD release per hour. If you downloaded one of these batches, the patches don’t concern you.
This is a joint effort with our friends over at DameDesuYo.
Torrent 1080P | Usenet 1080p | 1080p Patches
Torrent 720P | Usenet 720p | […]
At long last, Nourin. Batch before next season starts. We’ve got all the fresh grown and phallic vegetables you could ever need!
This is a joint effort with our friends over at DameDesuYo.
Torrent 1080P | Usenet 1080p Torrent 720P | Usenet 720p
Note: Guys, we’re still looking for more manpower, currently […]
Vol 6 is basically done. Expect it this week.
This is a joint effort with our friends over at DameDesuYo.
Torrent 1080P | Usenet 1080p Torrent 720P | Usenet 720p
Note: Guys, we’re still looking for more manpower, currently we are recruiting Cappers, Encoders, TLers, Editors, TSers, QCers.
I’d like to bend Ringo over a desk.
Even if you’ve seen the show, you should probably download it for the ED3 kfx.
Torrent 1080P | Usenet 1080p Torrent 720P | Usenet 720p
We are still recruiting translators, timers, editors, TSers and QCers!
Vol. 4 is getting close to being done, as well.
Vol.3 Torrent 1080P | Usenet 1080p Torrent 720P | Usenet 720p
Hopefully we can keep the ball rolling with the rest of the volumes.
Vol.1 Torrent 1080P | Usenet 1080p Torrent 720P | Usenet 720p
Vol.2 Torrent 1080P | Usenet 1080p Torrent 720P | Usenet 720p
Hey Nourin fans! Time to update your archive! I’ve spent the past 2 days slaving over batching this (so you better appreciate it ;D). Thank you all for your feedback which helped us identify issues as it aired. With no further ado, the batch:
TORRENT | Usenet
Patch if you have […]
And thus, Nourin comes to an end. But we will be doing a TV batch very soon and then Blu-rays! So you can enjoy it all over again. See after the “more” tag for comments from the staff on the show.
In a joint with DameDesuYo, we will be releasing under the tag [ChihiroDesuYo].
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