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Rosario to Vampire Capu2 – 05


Hello perverts! Here’s your Rosario + Vampire 2.

I really wanted to use a blue haired succubus pic, but when saw her so sad I couldn’t resist. And you know why she’s so sad? Because her panties are being censored! But on the other hand, aren’t we all sad? Sigh…


h264: Blue

XviD: Slushie Curry

Oh and yeah. This wasn’t Kristen.

/me awaits fangirls~

[EDIT BY Yuuhi[Z]]: As far as we know, All channels broadcasting RVCapu2 are censored. If there is a less censor version we will always go to that. Thanks.

113 comments to Rosario to Vampire Capu2 – 05

  • kazuhiro

    For future pleasure maybe the chihiro team can like make files for subs so that when the hopefully uncensored dvd releases of RVCapu2 we can just throw on your subs. and enjoy it to the fullest extent. Just an idea.

  • You already can rip it out of the .mkv file.

  • 2 good encoders; if you have the pro version or a crack/patch of it is: Dr.DivX and VirtualDub(if you can get it to work right. i can’t even get it to merge two files) they both produce great quality videos only VirtualDub Merges files though and only Dr.DivX provides different quality presets and converting from flash.

    choose your own program and keep in mind Dr.DivX is free but the pro Codec it uses is not but worth the money if you use divx player or play .divx files(it also removes the watermark it would put on the video if you have it or keeps it on if you wish to keep it on) only converts to .divx format with a DivX Codec and VirtualDub is free but difficult to use

  • Miiy

    so wait a sec i still dont quite understand why are they censoring it like this ? this is going way out of hand with bats and bears

  • oishiitacos

    Good info Onitenshu. I’ve only muxed MKvs and not the other way around. That could be really useful for a lot of people, especially when Xvid’s aren’t always available from every group.

    kazuhiro Says:
    November 5th, 2008 at 2:57 am
    For future pleasure maybe the chihiro team can like make files for subs so that when the hopefully uncensored dvd releases of RVCapu2 we can just throw on your subs. and enjoy it to the fullest extent. Just an idea.

    You can rip it out of the MKV, but the timing will be off, especially since the DVD doesn’t have the “sponsored by” part after the credits. It would be impossible to pre-time the subs for a yet to be released DVD. You can always change the timing yourself if you got the time and patience.

  • Miiy

    not only is it over the top .. but then u have parts where the white haired moka kicks someone n u get a full shot i dont get it lol

  • Miiy

    oh also good sub thanks again .. this one worked fine for me .. had a hicup at the begining but that was due to me going over 100% cpu i think .. lol thanks again chihiro cant wait for more =)

  • valina182

    I quit waiching this series after episode 3.
    I can’t watch this shit with the fuzzy censor bear and bat poping up.
    I can’t believe Japan of all fucking places is starting this censor bullshit.

    I was going to buy the box set I enjoyed the untranslated raw manga.
    But I refuse to spend my money on importing the boxset if they are going to do this bull shit.

    I won’t even watch it fansub thanks anyway.
    Time to find a better more free uncensored anime I can spend my money on.

  • Joe Kickass

    I really enjoy this show, but the censoring seems to be getting much more ridiculous…and random. One second, a bear covers the slightest peek up Kururu’s skirt, the next second, bad-ass Moka’s giving everyone a free high kick show, not a bat nor bear in sight.

    I hope they stop soon. It was cute the first couple of times, but now it’s annoying. I’m still watching the show because I enjoy it for more than the fanservice ((I dig the plot, believe it or not!!)) but the fanservice WAS a big part of the fun.

  • BooYa

    Thats it, i had it with bats and bears. Im dropping it.
    If this really is for the sake of making more money for the DVD’s
    they are perhaps shooting themselfes in the foot.

    I think people are more likley to loose interest in the show all together, not buying the DVD’s either.

  • Halo

    If you are a hentai fan, then you would know of censorship rules going on. Now it’s moving onto the ecchi genre, and it’s really annoying. 🙁

  • kenjiharima

    saw a lesser censored version just now on the tokyosho. Mizore’s panties are now seen while cooking and the sad part when she’s getting up plus Kurumu and the unknown classmate gals are uncensored. There are still a few parts that are censored though.

  • huirs

    Three cheers for pantyshots!!
    Venerate the Immortal pantyshots.
    Long live pantyshots.
    oh and “erdvilla”! I’m the opposite. I love Kurumu and Mizore a looot more than the rest, although I too feel that Yukari is kind of annoying in the show.


    A contact of mine told me why they starting to censor shows a lot.
    It’s because in Japan, parents work late like 10pm or so. Kids often wait their parents to arrive so during that time they watch TV. The broadcasting TV stations protect themselves against complaints from parents saying that the shows are not appropriated for them.

    So shows that are airing at a time when parents are not home, well you get a lot of censoring stuff (Not just R+V). The window of time for show to not been censored is limited and they are other shows that they have priority over others and if that’s the case well they have no choice to show it on prime time.

    Of course you’re saying that some station are less censored than others, well that’s because they are more specialize in older viewers but since they are still some kids that can zap the station, must put some censoring stuff. The only stations that they are never censored are Satellite station (or station you must pay to have). If R+V was on one of those station, no more F***ing bats.

    It’s the same here in the USA and Canada but the window of time is much larger since parents are home at 6-7pm. Anyway, if you guys really want to see uncensored version, wait for the DVDs.
    Patience is a virtue.
    FYI, thanks for the hard work Chihiro. I must wait for Xvid since my computer is a high-tech model of the year 2004. 🙂

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