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Shugo Chara Party! – TV Batch Reseed

Reseed requested by Anonymous.

Torrent 720P | Torrent 400P

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun / Shugo Chara Dokki Doki! – TV Batches

  So, we’re done! At least with 75% of the winter season, the stuff we actually kept the pace with.

Wanted to release these batches together just to use that picture, so… Here ya go. :p

Notes on releases:

1. Railgun contains a v2 for episode 16 to consistacize (that is SO not a […]

Shugo Chara Dokki Doki! – 24

It’s about time Amu strangled her.

By the way, this show apparently ends Friday. More info on that next week.

h.264: Bitch got strangled~

XviD: ^^

Shugo Chara Dokki Doki! – 23

SC suddenly got serious.

h.264: Loli

XviD: loli

Shugo Chara Dokki Doki! – 22

In this episode we get to see that Hotaru is scared of Ferris Wheels. Now I know that I am not the only one. Well, actually, she’s afraid of heights, I’m just afraid of the vertical circular type of motion.

h.264: I wonder if animetake will start providing DDLs for this series

XviD: Or […]

Shugo Chara Dokki Doki! – 21

Aww… New shugo chara is so cute. <3

h.264: D’awww~

XviD: Cute! ^^

Shugo Chara Dokki Doki! – 20

Now to work on episode 21. Oh, wait. That hasn’t aired yet. ^^

h.264: A wild Exeggcute appears!

XviD: Kristen throws a pokeball!

Shugo Chara Dokki Doki! – 19

Utau~ <3

We are still accepting applicants for editor, so please join #Chihiro-recruits and apply today!

h.264: Utau!

XviD: chan!

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